Artist Biography
Born in 1989 in Beirut, Phat2 is one of the major figures of the Lebanese and Middle Eastern graffiti communities.
Phat2 developed a passion for graphic arts at a young age and naturally turned to graffiti, quickly learning to handle the spray can with agility.
Influenced by the works of American pioneers, he gradually defined his own style, combining increasingly complex lettering with ever-vibrant colors.
The name Phat2 quickly appeared everywhere in Beirut: his pieces were easily identified and he became one of the most present graffiti artists in Lebanon within months, whose discipline experienced a particularly strong growth in the 2010s.
After a decade of prolific activities in the street where he left his colorful imprint on the Lebanese capital, Phat2 is now focusing on a new chapter in his artistic career.
He takes a step back by moving away from the bustle of Beirut to settle in the heart of the Lebanese mountains, where he draws new inspiration and finds the serenity necessary to create.
Phat2 continues his work on forms, abandoning colors for black and chrome, further emphasizing his graphic and technical research.
Focused on contrast, repetition and movement, his work is dark, sometimes bleak but always suggests hope through a halo of light, like an echo of the events that took place in Beirut which strongly influenced his creation.
The Withdrawal Catharsis series, still in progress today, is the culmination of this work started in 2017, where Phat2 continues his journey towards abstraction, between shadow and light.
Press Images
Artwork Presskit
Low resolution, 1000 pixel jpg for web
Credit me with my name George Khoury / Phat2 and link to my website if you use these on social media or web. Contact me for high resolution images or if you want to publish in print.
Portrait Presskit
Varying resolution, max 2160 pixel jpg
Credit the photographers properly if you use these images.